Wordpress Themes: Create a MySQL database for the wordpress

WordPress Design WP Theme

A unique, well designed publishing system built on the basic grounds of MySQL database and PHP programming is what wordpress is all about. WordPress is considered as the best publishing software being used today. It has been accepted and loved by a number of people across the whole world due to its functioning and the smoothness. It is flexible in nature and thus can work easily with nearly all the other systems on the internet. The functioning and the capability of the software can further be improved by the various plugins that can be easily downloaded from the internet. Thus WordPress is known for its features that stresses more on the ease of the users, speed and experience.

WordPress is used more for the blogs and the other highly interactive websites where the users write posts and comments about the numerous topics on the websites. It makes publishing of articles extremely easy and a very pleasant experience for all its users. Hence, due to these reasons, more and more numbers of people have now started using the wordpress as their blogging platform.
Wordpress has numerous integral parts which play an equal role in the proper functioning of the websites. The wordpress has variously designed themes that can be selected according to the requirements based on the specific fields.

A wordpress theme is categorized into three main types of files which include:

  • The image files: The image files contain the images that are to be displayed in the layout of the wordpress design.
  • PHP files: The PHP files include the complete html layout of the design and also include the header, footer and the side bar files.
  • CSS files: The CSS files include the style.css files that embrace the complete styling of the blog or the design. The CSS file is linked in the header.php that is further included into the index.php file of the design.

These files altogether create different designs for the blogs. A wordpress theme of different designs and style completely changes the appearance of the website without in any way disturbing the software or its workings. The wordpress designs include various tags that perform their relevant functions in the website. For instance, the “php the_author()” tag is used to link the author of the theme, while the “php the_permalink” tag is used to link the posts written by the specific author.

Along with the proper functioning of the wordpress websites, it gets equally important to check the display of the website. This is where the wordpress system surpasses the other software that deal with designing and styling. WordPress is a very powerful and flexible platform that allows the users to change the themes of the website to give it a new fresh look whenever required. Thus, you can select various designs for your website to change its appearance and thus attract more clients and users from all across the world. The screenshot.png file amongst the other image files is used to know well in advance of how the design would look when applied on the internet.
This site is full of free templates, so feel free do download some and make your website more elegant and refreshing.

Installing WordPress WP Theme

WordPress Installation

WordPress as a blog publishing system is famous for its ease of use and flexibility. Among all the features of the wordpress system, it’s easy and simple installation can be considered as one of its most important virtues. If you are a newbie and are looking to install the wordpress system for the first time, the basic steps are listed below.

In order to install the wordpress system, you first need to know a few things before you can actually begin with installation:

  • For a proper installation, you need to have file uplading access (FTP) to your website’s folders on the server.
  • You have to be able to access your web server either through shell or through FTP. You normally get FTP access when you apply for online hosting.
  • You will need FTP software installed on the computer from which you intend to upload files to the server. Sometimes the hosting will have a web based file uploading system, in which case you can use that instead of FTP.

After you have sorted out the above mentioned points, you then need to do the following:

Ensure that your web hosting meets the minimum requirements needed to run the wordpress system. The server has to support PHP and MySQL. You need the ability to create a new MySQL database. Usually that can be done through your hosting’s online administrator interface (if your webhost company has it, log in and search around for a way to add a mysql database. Otherwise contact your hosting support and ask them to add a mysql database for your wordpress blog – remember the name of the database, you will need it later when configuring the blog)

Step by Step Instructions for WordPress Installation:

  1. Download the latest version of wordpress and save it on your computer’s hard drive.
  2. Simply unzip or extract the downloaded wordpress package on your harddisk.
  3. Create a MySQL database for the wordpress on your web server.
  4. Once you have created the database, have a look at the unzipped wordpress files. Rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php.
  5. Now that the file has been renamed, you should open the wp-config.php file in the text editor and then fill the required details of the database. (Right click on the file and select “Open With” in the popup windows menu. Then select to open the file with Notepad or Wordpad).
  6. Now, store these wordpress files in the desired or decided location of the web server (usually the main folder of your website). If you wish to put the wordpress into the root of your domain i.e. (www.yourdomain.com) then you need to upload all the unzipped wordpress files directly to your server’s root folder (do not put the files into a “wordpress” sub-folder on the server, but rather directly into the root). Else, if you wish the wordpress system to be installed in the subdirectory of your selected website (http://abc.com/blog/) then, just create a folder with your desired name and upload the wordpress files into it.
  7. Now, open a web browser and go to your blog’s www address. There will be an installation script waiting for you. It will guide you through the rest of the process.

If you have installed the system in the root directory, then the blog should be located on www.yoursite.com, else if you have installed it in a sub-folder, then it should be located in www.yoursite.com/subfolder/

After you have configured everything to meet your requirements, it’s time to download a good wordpress template. Unzip it, and upload all the files (and folders) from the zip file into your blog’s /wp-content/themes/ folder. Each theme should be placed in a sub-folder by itself. So the directlry structure would be /wp-content/themes/themename/(files are here).

That’s It, your wordpress blog is installed, configured and looking great.