Artistic Wordpress Templates

Art Theme Wordpress Template

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Art Theme is an amazing wordpress template made by This is a bright yellow and red wp skin featuring artistic colour spatters in it’s header graphic. It has 3 columns where both sidebars are on the right hand side. The outermost sidebar includes a list of archived pages and the blogroll while the inner sidebar includes the pages, categories and meta. Main content area is red while the blog’s background is dark blue.

Cellar Heat (light) Wordpress Template

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Cellar Heat wordpress template (light version) is not your typical WP design. It has 4 columns – resembles news paper classified ads. The theme has an artistic background, the header conains pages links and search function. Main content area starts with a snippet of the latest post, followed by 2 rows of snippets (4 boxes per row) of the previous posts. Footer contains all the standard wordpress menus and also supports wordpress widgets. Cellar Heat wordpress theme was designed by Evan Eckad.

Scruffy Wordpress Template

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Scruffy is a 2 column artistic wordpress template made by Cobus Bester. The theme’s main content area is yellowish while the header graphic is artistic and shows some spatter stains. The sidebar is possitioned on the right hand side and includes all the standard sections. Background of this wordpress theme is light blue. Overall the theme is suitable for a personal blog as well as art, business, etc.. site.

Fractality Wordpress Template

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Fractality wordpress template is an extremely beautiful, futuristic wp design. The header graphich is special and shows what can be described as abstract futuristic art. Pages links are located just below the header, followed by a search window. This is a 2 column wordpress theme and sidebar is located on the left side. It supports wordpress widgets (as long as you enable them in your blog’s admin). Main content area and most of the design is white. Fractality wordpress theme was designed by Lorelei.

Torn Paper Wordpress Template

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Torn Paper wordpress theme is a somewhat artistic wp design. It will make your blog look like a crumbled piece of brown paper (the background) with another piece of paper on top of it (your blog’s main frame). The header graphic is dark brown and also looks like an old crumbled piece of paper. Te theme name and tagline are in the center of header, while the pages links are just above it. This is a 3 column wordpress theme where both sidebars are located on the right side. The first sidebar is wordpress widgets compliant while the 2nd one contains only the wordpress Meta section. Torn Paper Wodrpress template was designed by Kathie and Andrew from

The Relief in Music Wordpress Template

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The Relief in Music wordpress theme is a good looking cleand and predominantly white wordpress design. Basically there are only two colors present – it’s either white or orange. The header features an image of a microphone on the left side, and some artistic graphic on the right. There is a placeholder for google adsense or a banner in the middle. The main content area is white and located on the left while the sidebar is orange and possitioned on the right. The sidebar contains all the standard wordpress menus. Feel free to re-arrange or edit them in sidebar.php file. The theme also ends with some artistic graphic in the right side of the footer. The Relief in Music was designed by

See The Music Wordpress Template

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See The Music wordpress theme is a perfect fit for an artist’s personal blog – or actually any music related site. The header graphic shows a colorful artsy flow of musical notes. The blog’s title and sub title are located in the upper right corner. The main content area and the sidebar are both white. The sidebar is possitioned on the left side and is wordpress widgets compliant. The main text is black (on white background) and the main blog background color is light green. The footer is also finished with a similar graphic as previously seen on top of the design. “See the Music” wordpress template was designed by

Page Style Wordpress Template

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Page Style wordpress theme is a very unique, colorful designed 3 column wp skin. It looks like it’s made from component, different colored boxes with rounded corners, put together into a whole. The header is orange and contains some chinese letters, butterflies and flowers (in an abstract artistic kind of way). The header also contains the blog’s title and tagline. Main content area is white and possitioned on the left. Followed by two right sidebars. The inner sidebar contains pages menu, categories, archives and blogroll while the outermost sidebar is widgets enabled and can contain whatever you define in your blog’s admin area (under Appearance / widgets). Page Style wordpress template was designed by

Outdoorsy Wordpress Template

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Outdoorsy wordpress theme features a yellow and an orrange flower in the header graphic. The entire design looks like a slightly crumbled piece of paper laying on the ground covered with moss. There is a pencil over the top left corner of the paper. Overall this is a two column wordpress template with sidebar possitioned on the right. The sidebar is wordpress widgets ready and can contain whaterver you configure in your blog’s admin area (enable widgets in the “Appearance” tab). Outdoorsy wordpress template was designed by

Lyrics Wordpress Template

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Lyrics wordpress theme is a perfect design for a song writer, poetry writer, or any type of writer actually. This is a dark to light brown wp skin with 3 columns. Two sidebars are located on the left side – the outermost sidebar supports wordpress widgets. The inner sidebar contains archives and Meta. The header graphic is not actually on top, it’s on the left side just above the sidebars and features a real writing pen and a bottle of ink. Main content area is on the right side and is a bit lighter than the rest of the wp design. Search function is just above the main content area.