Web 2.0 Wordpress Templates

Iphonized Wordpress Template

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Iphonized wordpress theme has a nice sleak Iphone-like design but overall it’s a simple skin. Pages links are located in the header menu. There is a beautiful rss feed icon in the top right corner. The main content area is gray while the background goes from black on top, to gray towards the bottom. The sidebar is located on the right side and is wordpress widgets compliant. Iphonized wordpress template was designed by Ricardo de Sousa.

Royal Orchid Wordpress Template

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Royal Orchid is a dark but beautiful wordpress template. It’s mostly bluish-gray with black background and has three columns (yes a 3 column wordpress theme). Main text area is on the left side (light gray text on dark blueish-gray background) and both sidebars are on the right side. The first one contains wordpress pages, categories and meta while the outermost sidebar contains archives and blogroll. The header graphic is what makes this wp skin beautiful as it shows a backet of perfect rounded black stones covered with a pink orchid.  Royal Orchid wordpress theme was designed by Wpjunction.com

Guitar Wordpress Template

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Guitarworld is a beautiful wordpress template, featuring an image of a guitar in the header graphic (top left corner). Main content area is light-brown while the background is blueish. Pages links are in the top right corner while sidebar is on the right hand side. Guitar world is a 2 column Web 2.0 wordpress theme designed by smartertemplates.com

Professional Business Wordpress Template

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Professional Business wordpress theme is an elegant and clean 3 column wordpress design. Main content area is on the left side, small black text on white background. Pages menu is above the header – on the left side, while the search function is on the right side. This wordpress template includes great detail like small icons for repeating links, etc. The sidebars are located on the right side. On top there is a place for sponsor ads, RSS subscription form and recent posts, comments, etc. The middle sidebar supports wordpress widgets. Professional Business wordpress template was designed by Elad Domb.

Amazing Grace Wordpress Template

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Amazing Grace is a clean and elegant Web 2.0 wordpress template designed by Vladimir Prelovac. It’s a 3 column wp theme featuring beautiful nature photos on a light brown background in it’s header graphic. majority of the site is white. There are two sidebars, both are on the right hand side. Overall the worpdress theme is clean and minimalistic.

Fractality Wordpress Template

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Fractality wordpress template is an extremely beautiful, futuristic wp design. The header graphich is special and shows what can be described as abstract futuristic art. Pages links are located just below the header, followed by a search window. This is a 2 column wordpress theme and sidebar is located on the left side. It supports wordpress widgets (as long as you enable them in your blog’s admin). Main content area and most of the design is white. Fractality wordpress theme was designed by Lorelei.

Leaving Wordpress Template

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Leaving – Web 2.0 wordpress template is a mixture of elegance and romance. The header graphic is out of this world – literally because it shows  the sun hiding behind a tree while on the other side we can see an unusual planet and two hot air balloons in the middle. Otherwize this is a two column wordpress theme with sidebar possitioned on the left hand side. The sidebar includes all the usual WP menus. Main content area is white while the sidebar is light orange. Leaving wordpress skin was designed by Lorelei.

Black Splat Wordpress Template

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Black Splat is a 3 column wordpress template, ready for most common adds like banners, google adwords, etc. The wp theme has a black background, a gray header with a yellow splatter in the top left corner and bottom right corner. Sidebar columns are on the right hand side. Black Splat was designed by Samk.ca

Black Vivi Wordpress Template

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Black Vivi wordpress template is an elegant dark (mostly black and gray) design suitable for just about any type of blog or website. The header contains your blog’s title and tag line aswell as pages buttons. Below are 3 columns; left sidebar, which is wordpress widgets compliant, main content area in the middle and right sidebar containing categories, archives, pages, blogroll, about and the search box.  Black vivi wordpress theme was designed by Rkcorp and is free to be used by anyone.

Financial Circle Wordpress Template

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Financial Circle wordpress theme is a clean and very good looking colorful design. This theme is perfect for a finance or stock market related blog/website. It’s a 2 column template with sidebar located on the left side and containing the categories, monthly archives and meta section. You are free to edit the sidebar and add whatever you need. The main content area is on the right (white background, grey text). The header contains the search window, your blog’s title and a raising graph image. There is also an RSS feed icon in the top left corner. The pages links are placed on the far right side (outside the main frame). Financial Circle wordpress template was designed by ezwpthemes.com