Rounded Corners Wordpress Templates

Vibrantech Wordpress Template

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Vibrantech wordpress theme is a clean and good looking blue wp design with rounded corners. The header contains the blog’s title and tag line in the upper left corner, followed by a thick black row filled with links to your pages. On the right corner there is the RSS news feed icon. This is followed by a thick white fow where you can put in your blog’s description or ads. Overall this is a 2 column wordpress skin with main content area located on the left side. It is white with black text. The sidebar is on the right and has blue background with white text and links. The sidebar is wordpress widgets compliant. Vibrantech wordpress template was designed by Michael Kelsinger.

Waterlily Wordpress Template

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Waterlily is a beautiful two column wordpress template. It’s mostly dark – a combination of dark grey and navy blue color, with white text. The WP skin has rounded corners and features a beautiful water lily in it’s header graphic (upper left corner). There is also a small waterlily just above the blog’s title in the upper right corner and another in the footer (bottom right corner). This wordpress theme was designed by Lisa Sabin.

Speedway Wordpress Template

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A perfect and authentic looking two columned fixed width wordpress theme, the speedway is created on a shaded orange background. This theme is has a color scheme of grey, white and orange. The speedway has a distinctive large grey header with a graphical design of the earth and the with glassy effects. The theme has a border margin of grey and white colors to distinguish it distinctly from the orange base. The border has rounded edges and is distinguished into a large content area and a prominent side bar. The content area of the theme has a dark grey base for the proper display of the articles, posts and comments posted on the blog. The sidebar of the theme also has a dark grey background with orange colored sidebar titles and fonts which contrast with the background. The margins of the sidebar and the edges of the sidebar titles are also soft edged giving it a more authentic look. The speedway wordpress theme was designed by web hosting Rally.

Emerald City Wordpress Template

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A 3 column artistic theme that’s a modern reincarnation of the Emerald City from thAs the name suggests, this is a specific emerald green colored impressive looking wordpress theme fixed width with three columns. The emerald city wordpress theme is a very sober looking authentic theme with a striking header that features graphical designs of white shaded buildings of a city with green colored twines at its left edge. The header of the theme displays the name of the blog in white that blends well with the green and white base. The theme has a unique traditional looking navigational bar that gives the users a brief about the other categories in the blog. The Emerald city has two sidebars, one on each side which displays the links to the other posts. The right sidebar has a distinct sidebar margin with soft edges while the left sidebar is simple. The two sidebars compress the large content area of the theme that displays the latest updated posts, comments or articles. The fonts in the sidebars are turquoise blue in color and thus match well with the emerald and white base. This unique and sensuous looking theme was designed by and reflects the concept of a reincarnated city from the wizard of OZ. e Wizard of OZ. It was designed by